Gaining Momentum
Our first week arriving at Africa School of Missions, the students took a class called Walking With Wounded Children. The week long course consisted of techniques on how to work with traumatized kids, as well as how to properly listen and communicate with them. The students were also able to evaluate their own ways of listening, communicating, and close relationships with other people. They were taught that a relationship should consist of three things: U-understanding, S-sincerity, and A-acceptance. I've seen the students take what they learned in class and apply into their interactions with the high school students we meet with on Monday nights.
The past two Monday evenings we have had the privilege of doing a youth group called Momentum. This takes place at a large public high school. On average 50-70 students come to Momentum, but last week we were just under a hundred! The first Monday we were involved, our PYB team shared three of their life testimonies. The theme of the night was Love & Grace. The team acted out a small scene pertaining to the testimonies. The high schoolers loved it. Earlier that week the student body in this high school was hit with shocking news of a student who had committed suicide. God knew exactly what he was doing when one of our students shed light on this sensitive situation through their testimony. Everyone was greatly impacted. You could sense the passion and great works of God through the testimonies each of our students shared. It was amazing to know God was at work.
2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (Love & Grace)

The second week at the Momentum youth service our theme was God Is In Control. There was again three life testimonies shared by our students. They contributed something unique. One had a visual, one read an original poem, and the other sang an original song. Although we didn't feel as prepared as the week before, God did even greater things the second night. We ended the evening in small groups of 6-10 people. I heard testimony after testimony of meaningful conversations our students were able to have with these high schoolers. So many were blessed by the testimonies shared that night. We were able to pray with students for the troubles going on in their life and encourage them with our testimonies.
I saw our students use the the things they had learned in class about how to listen and communicate with those who are sharing their story. One of our students in particular was able to share his testimony to his small group for the first time, and I could see the joy and encouragement that it brought him, as he knew God was able to use his story to minister to others that night. I saw others being stretched out of their comfort zone, as they lead a small group discussion, but I am always amazed when our students take on a challenge. The Lord is using them greater than the eye can see. God's presence has been with us and every prayer that is prayed for us through friend and family can be felt. I thank God for all he is doing and I am excited to see what God will do the next couple weeks before we leave.
Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you & will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (God Is In Control)
Prayer Requests: Health and healing for our team. Students stepping out of their comfort zones to grow. God's miraculous power of love and healing through prayer.