Israel: The Holy Land
During our ten day trip to Israel we visited many different holy sites. We visited the town, Capernaum, where Jesus lived for 2-3 years and most of his ministry took place. We experienced a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee where Peter walked on water. We meditated on scripture while on the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus spoke his longest sermon. We visited Jaffa, which is the area in which the story of Jonah and the whale took place. We saw the Garden of Gethsemane which contained ancient olive trees that had been around since Jesus’ time. We had the honor of being water baptized in the Jordan River. We visited the death and burial site of Jesus. We spent a few nights in Jerusalem where the Lord’s presence resided within the temple. There were many more sites we visited and each one had a special impact on our hearts.
During our site seeing we also went hiking, water rafting in the Jordan River, jeep riding in the Golan Heights, floating in the Dead Sea, and riding camels and sleeping Bedouin style in the Judean Desert.
The Dead Sea
Many of us know the popular stories in the Bible or have heard the Word of God spoken, but to physically see where Jesus lived and performed miracles was life changing. This trip inspired us to dig deeper into the Word of God because now we can picture many of the stories we read. It has made the Word of God come to life in a whole new way. Our faith has heightened. It is such an honor and privilege to be in relationship with a living God. We don’t have to do anything specific to communicate with the Lord and that in itself is an incredible blessing that we get to live with.