Standing Rock Reservation Trip
PackYourBags recently returned home from a week-long trip to Standing Rock Reservation. November 17-22 we spent our time in Selfridge, ND and Fort Yates, ND working with missionaries Phil and Mindee Wolverton. Going into this trip we were not completely sure what God had in store, but on our way home, we were completely amazed by just how much He did through our time there.
Some of the guys clearing out a trailer that will be used for storage for upcoming ministry supplies!
"During this trip, I realized how good God is. When He pours out His Holy Spirit upon us as a team, it's just amazing to see us work in unity. I am so glad God has blessed me with a fantastic family and life, so that I can bless people in return. Serving people is the highest honor, it's what Jesus did, and that is what I love doing and it's what we should all be doing!" - Elliot
Homemade Apple Pie - Yum!
A lot of our time on the reservation was spent preparing a Thanksgiving feast for a few outreaches we had planned. We worked tirelessly as we carved 15 turkeys, made from scratch over 60 pies, and all of the sides that one can imagine for a Thanksgiving meal. We were able to connect many people in the community to Pastor Phil and Mindee.
We also had numerous kids services where we had puppet shows, skits, object lessons, and testimonies. The students did a great job connecting to the little ones. Three children gave their hearts over to Jesus in one of our services. God is good!
Bobbie preparing food for the team!
"While on our Native American trip to Standing Rock our team was able to do various projects. One of the projects was organizing Sunday School supplies. Before I came to Trinity Bible College I taught preschool Sunday School for my church, so I was familiar with organizing supplies. As Mindee was handing me boxes to organize, she handed me a bin that looked very familiar. Little did I know that I would be organizing my very own previous Sunday School lessons! I was amazed, earlier this year I boxed up my old supplies not knowing where they would be donated to, and seeing the very sheets I taught from brought tears to my eyes. God is so good, and I am amazed at the ways that he has chosen to reveal himself to me." - Bobbie
We are making our final preparations for our next trip - South Africa! But we will never forget what God did while we were at Standing Rock Reservation.
We held a diaper drive and collected over 1,000 diapers! One of the biggest diaper donations Phil & Mindee have ever received.