Elliot's Encounter
We have safely arrived back home from South Africa!! It is a nice feeling to be back in the comforts of America, but it is safe to say that we all deeply miss the sites, sounds, smells and people of South Africa. It is hard to believe that our trip has come and gone so quickly.
It's difficult to put into words the feelings that arise as we remember the victories and relationships that were made along the way. We were able to give love to children and see their faces shine, and we prayed for people who were severely sick in bed and saw healing. Each member of the team would say that God grew, spoke, and burdened us for various people. God was unbelievably faithful during our time in South Africa!
Elliot reflects on an encounter he had:
Elliot with Desmond
"During our time in South Africa we went to a Squatter Camp. This camp is a neighborhood which is filled with Afrikaners who are living in poverty. After the apartheid ended, many Afrikaners were left without jobs and had no other choice but to move into these camps where they could afford to live. The environment of this camp is not ideal for any kind of person. After we handed out some toys to the children, I happened to meet a man named Desmond. Desmond is a veteran and served in World War II. I could not believe that I was talking to a man who fought so long ago! What was most shocking to me was that he lived in an old shack in poverty. It was indeed sad, but the amazing thing was that I knew he was a believer. He reminded myself and the rest of the group over and over again about how Jesus is the only way. He showed us his Bible which he got in the war in 1939. How in the world did a group of 12 people from North Dakota end up crossing paths with this profound man?! God is the only way. I was privileged to meet this amazing man from a great generation. I am encouraged because I was shown that no matter where you come from or where you end up, God is in the midst of His children. I cannot help but to take a moment and thank God that I was able to meet this man."
This is one story amongst countless others. We hope that our stories encourage others to take a leap of faith and share Jesus with those they see day after day. God has called us all to be missionaries. We will not all travel out of the country, learn a foreign language, and eat different food. However, He has called us all to proclaim His name in every place that our feet touch. Whether we stay home or travel afar, it is our responsibility to share His name.