RESERVATION REFLECTIONS: Are they on your radar?
Last year before becoming the PYB director, I (Mary Beth King) went on each ministry trip to see if it was a trip we should keep doing or if it should be replaced. I think you’ll see in the next few paragraphs why the reservation ministry trips remain. I know short term trips are a highly debated topic and needless to say, we are on the pro side of that debate— but read on and see for yourself where you land.
Reservation Ministry is extremely needed and important.
“I got to see God work in so many ways this week, the importance of this ministry really HIT me! Reservation ministry needs to be spread. I’m sure I’m not the only one who was astounded by what I heard and experienced. We aren’t taught about this It made me realize how badly reservations across the US need more people fervently serving these communities, these people. – Michaela”
“When I would see people going to reservations for missions trips I would think, “What a waste of time! Why go to another American place ... they already have access to Christianity!?” These were Keziah’s thoughts before our week on the Rez. This trip changed my view, reservation ministry is not a waste of time. – Keziah ”
Reservation Ministry will surprise and stretch you and there are a lot of ways to do ministry like throwing Tomahawks and picking vegetables.
“ “This last week at the reservation was incredibly eye-opening for me. Growing up in Montana, I had required Indian education every year of school so I had a decent idea of what a reservation was like. “It’s one thing to know all about a place like this, and another to see it and walk its streets yourself.” It broke my heart seeing all the boarded-up meth houses and meeting the kids who lived in them. On the day of the fall festival I got put in charge of the tomahawk throwing area and I know nothing about throwing tomahawks! It was definitely stretching for me, but a good match too. I mowed the area, set the boundaries, and set it all up and honestly it was really fun. I was proud of the end result. I was impressed with how talented the people from the reservation were, but the thing that brought me the most joy was seeing how the children and their parents would throw tomahawks together. I could tell it was a rare family-bonding moment for many of them. I felt like it was a glimpse of God’s love for them that day. – TJ ”
“I had an incredible experience on the reservation doing ministry with my team and growing and learning with them. We picked vegetables, moved trailers, cleaned and mowed fields, took out trash and set up activities for the Harvest Festival. Being able to play and pray with the kids was totally amazing and humbling and it reminded me to be thankful for what I have and where I have come from. -Jacob ”
“I’m glad I got the opportunity to sing in front of the kids because the feeling I got after doing something uncomfortable for the Lord feels absolutely great. I prayed every day that God would use me in different ways than He ever has before and He definitely did so. – Marissa”
“I got to play basketball with a kid and I let him beat me and I believe was the highlight of his week. He went on and on how he beat this really tall guy at basketball. I just smiled and told him he’s an awesome basketball player. -Quinci”
Jesus loves, created, and died for the people of the reservation and has good plans for their lives.
“I had a lot of God moments on this trip. I got to run the zip line, it was cold and windy, but that didn’t stop us. Many children got up on the platform and would start to cry, but we would talk them through the fear. I would get eye-level with them and tell them how brave they are and how Josh, at the end of the zipline, would catch the and give them a big hug! We got to talk to, comfort and encourage them, and then push the down the zip line and they loved it. It was amazing. – Rose”
“One thing that really hit me was when we pulled into the reservation to do the VBS there was a sign that read, Meth is Life and other graffiti and crushed beer cans everywhere. I was glad that I got to be able to share the message here and have these kids repeat truth “I am fearfully and wonderfully made!!” over and over again. -Joe”
God often times teaches us while we are serving Him.
“Simply seeing the people of the reservation walk down the street it was evident that they were broken and not experiencing the love of Christ flowing through them. The day of the harvest festival I got to serve on the zipline and once the kids were strapped into their harness I would ask them, “are you ready? YES! Are you excited!? YES! Do you know that Jesus loves you? And they hesitated ... and some would answer no and then I would get to share the Gospel with them. Being at the top of the zipline with these children reminded me of Christ. He wants to us to jump with faith into the plan He has for us, and fear of freefalling may overwhelm us, but after we jump, we realize that all we had to do was trust Him because He was protecting us the whole time with His harness. – Kia”
So, where did you land? Are short term trips good or bad? A week ago these beautiful people weren’t on our radar and now they’re not just on our radar, but on our hearts and in our prayers and may they never have to hesitate again when someone asks them if they know the love of Jesus! We believe both our people groups are better because of a few days spent together.