A Leaders Perspective: South Africa
A Leaders Perspective
South Africa Edition
I’ve had both the pleasure of being a student in Pack Your Bags and a staff member the last two years. I cherish the opportunities that have been provided to me that would have otherwise not been. My husband, Elijah Christensen, and I are currently team leaders for the South Africa track and this will be our second time visiting the country. Outside the cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria is a vast country land that is full of waterfalls, rivers, rolling hills, beautiful mountains, and every animal we’ve ever seen in a zoo. But what I love about South Africa isn’t just its countryside, it is the uniquely diverse culture— Englishmen, Afrikaans, Tribes, and immigrants from places like India and other African countries and our students have the chance to do ministry alongside all of them. Where else can they get a chance like that except for here in Pack Your Bags? South Africa mirrors a similar “melting pot” that we have here in the United States of sorts. Our students have the opportunity to cross cultures and learn more about their own than they were anticipating while still being fully immersed in life of South African nationals.
My time in South Africa was eye-opening, spiritually challenging, and oh so rewarding. I was a college freshmen at the time and I thought I had everything figured out— there was so much to unlearn! Never had I been so humbled and grounded before. I had originally joined PYB to serve, but found myself being served by nationals and welcomed into homes and being fed and cared for as if I were the one in need. And it is true that I was the one missing something big. These people who I had been taught were “poor, less fortunate, sickly” had more faith and love than any American I ever knew. There was something to learn about having less and still declaring the goodness of God. I was heavily reminded of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount— He openly declares blessings over the meek, the hungry, and the persecuted as they will be the ones to see Glory face to face! I must become less so He can become more. And this is exactly what our students encounter overseas as they experience what it really means to depend on God.
I ask that you would join me in praying for our South Africa team— that our hearts would be ready to receive whatever it is that God has in store for us, that we would put ourselves second and step up to the challenge. I know they will be impacted greatly, but we will need your prayers backing us up and encouraging us as we embark on this journey.
Holly Christensen