Here, There, and Everywhere: Part I
3 students: Multiple Destinations
If you’ve been here long enough you know that we are passionate about people being sent. And this summer we saw alumni out in record numbers serving in practically every role imaginable. They are serving in their local churches, youth camps across America, and countries far and wide.
Not only are we proud of these students but also honored to have served alongside them during their time in Pack Your Bags and even more ecstatic to see them continuing to respond when the Holy Spirit calls. Follow along this week as we highlight three alumni in their various ministry positions, Kayleigh Ethridge, Anina McKnight, and Skyler Bennyhoff.
Kayleigh Ethridge
Serving at Kingdom City Church, Kansas City, MO
“It’s been a little over a year since I did the Pack Your Bags program.“
“Attending Trinity Bible College and Graduate school for the Pack Your Bags program was never in my plans. I never dreamed of going to a faith-based school for my post-secondary education but I did dream of traveling the world. Ask anyone that I was in PYB with and they could tell you I did not want to be there. I always was saying I wasn’t enjoying my time, that I missed my boyfriend (now husband), and that I had no clue why God would send me to North Dakota of all places. Especially since I thought I had my life figured out. Thank goodness God didn’t go with my plan because my life would look a whole lot different. “
“While in PYB I got to travel to some amazing places, one that sticks out to me more than any other is City on a hill. During our time there we got to learn about poverty and take a racial residue training course. We also did a poverty simulation, being immersed in what it is like to live in poverty or be houseless in some people's cases. This poverty simulation broke my heart, we learned so many statistics, heard so many stories, and were informed on practical ways we can help.”
“Our time at City on a Hill is when I believe I received my calling. What made me think the most was how there is a never-ending cycle for houseless people. You can’t get a house if you don’t have a job and you can’t get a job if you don’t have an address. So that endless cycle is something I want to put a stop to by opening a coffee shop that employs those stuck and needs an extra hand. I don’t want to give them a job and call it good, but I want to give them the resources so they can reach their fullest potential, giving them a place to stay, eat and grow.”
“When I finished the PYB program I 100% thought that God would right then and there give me the tools I needed to open the coffee shop or at least give me a job somewhere that would get me there. But like most things, God's plan does not work on our timing. I kept asking God to go help me reach this goal and it seemed like nothing was happening. Then in October, I was in a near-death motorcycle accident with my now-husband, Cody. We had to undergo surgery which left us on bed rest for 12 weeks. If almost dying isn’t a wake-up call I don’t know what is. Getting to spend time in bed thinking about life made me realize a bunch of things. One getting hit by a car hurts, two living in your future in-laws' basement isn’t fun and lastly, sometimes it takes getting hit by a car and living with your in-laws to realize that you need to slow down.“
“So where am I now? Well, I’m back on my feet walking, finally! I also recently got married. I convinced the lovely Mary Beth King to officiate my wedding and had two amazing people from PYB in my wedding. I still haven’t opened an amazing coffee shop but every day I’m taking the steps to get there. Praying and dreaming about my shop design to God, going to therapy to heal myself, and putting myself in uncomfortable situations.”
“I attend and serve at Kingdom City Church here in Kansas City. Through my church, I have joined the environment team. This team is responsible for designing and executing displays for the church and the events we hold. I have also joined a discipleship group and I’ve met some amazing potential lifelong friends because of it. I also get to help out with the church opening a brand new location. This location is huge! In this building they are opening a church-run coffee shop that will be open to the public, a nail salon, a flower shop, and many more outreach opportunities.”
“I now realize that God has so much that He needs to do in me before I can achieve this coffee shop goal. That however doesn’t mean He isn’t using me right now in this time of waiting and healing. I think that where I am now is not at all where I thought I would be but I am so glad that through all of the struggles and joys that God has a plan and that He will use this season to help me toward my dream.”
Come back tomorrow for more alumni content as we highlight Anina McKnight as she serves on TBC’s summer teams!