Thoughts from Klarissa
Wednesday 2/27/14
Tomorrow we will be boarding a plane on our way back to America. As I reflect over the last six weeks, I am in awe of what God has done and continues to do. I admit that I am excited to get home and see everyone, yet leaving will be bittersweet because I am in love with this beautiful country. We have met so many wonderful people and had the opportunity to do so much! Every ministry that we worked with taught me something new about people, myself, life, and God. I said many prayers for this trip. One I had for myself was that my relationship with Jesus would become more intimate. That seems so cliché, but I have desired to know what that looks like and how to achieve it. God has revealed so much to me through visions, teachings, and his Holy Spirit. It hasn’t been easy like I had expected. The Lord brought to light some things from my past that I have been secretly holding on to that were hindering me from being intimate with him. I have had to deal with the emotions that were brought to the forefront of my mind and surrender completely to Him. I had to trust in Him to be my fulfillment, comfort, and best friend. I have never felt so close to him in my entire life!
Speaking to children about how God can heal their hearts
I have really broken out of my shell when it comes to speaking in front of groups of people and I have learned that I love it! I have shared my testimony over and over again. I even shared things that I haven’t shared in my testimony before because the Holy Spirit reminded me that I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony. I am so grateful for what God has done in my life and feel so privileged to be able to share it with others in hopes that it may help them to overcome. On one occasion we were sharing our testimonies at a high school. I spoke about when my mother had breast cancer. After sharing our testimonies with four classes, a young boy approached me. He proceeded to tell me that his mother had died of breast cancer four years ago. He wanted to know if I had any insight to share with him because he felt like the pain of the loss was only getting worse. My heart ached for this boy. I wasn’t sure what to say. I hadn’t lost my mother and she and I are very close now. I couldn’t even imagine the hurt that this boy was feeling and I was at a loss of words. I uttered a few sentences I hoped would encourage him, then did the only thing I knew to do, I prayed for him. I look back at the situation and wonder, is there more I could have said? Did I even help him? That’s when the Holy Spirit whispers to me that God is sovereign and he heard my prayer. I continue to pray for this little boy and ask that if you have a moment you would lift up a prayer for Michael.
Grating beatroots
We have done many feeding programs and had many opportunities to teach kids and play with them. I have taught a few lessons and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. I have enjoyed it so much that the Lord has confirmed in my heart that I want to pursue a career in elementary education. As I stated earlier the Lord brought to light some things in my past that I needed to deal with, he has also showed me things from my past that are positive and that he placed in my heart even at a young age. For example, as a child my cousins and I would play school and I would always be the teacher. We would also play salon and I would always be the hair stylist. I think it is so amazing that God knew the plans he had for me from the very beginning. He placed desires in my heart as a child that have actually happened! I am so excited for the next chapter of my life at Trinity Bible College and to continue to become more and more intimate with Christ Jesus!
Our last Sunday in South Africa we visited Pastor Surprise's church to reunite with Teiza (with baby) and Rose (in white dress).