Falling More in Love
Falling More In Love
Sea of Galilee
Ya know that awful feeling when you clean something, and then a couple days later it gets dirty again? And all you want to do is be angry and frustrated that you worked so hard cleaning something so dirty? Lately, that is how I have felt. Unclean. I felt so unclean and unstable in my relationship with Christ that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was not worthy of being “clean” again. I've never killed anyone or committed a drastic sin that the world would shun me for, but I was being lazy in my walk with Christ and I was allowing attitude and judgement into my heart, I was becoming filthy.
Today we kayaked down the Jordan River. The kayaks weren’t quite what we thought they would be, with five of us squeezed into one raft. At the end we took some time to do water baptisms in the Jordan, the same river that Jesus was baptized in. I’ve been baptized once before, which was the year after I accepted the Lord as my Savior. I haven't fallen away since then, but I knew that it was the perfect opportunity to rededicate my life to Christ, and what better place or timing than this!
Israel has changed me. The Bible has come alive and encouraged me in my faith. Sometimes is hard to think that Jesus was literally in the places that I was standing, but when the facts finally clicked in my mind and heart, it was like I was being slapped in the face with truth. Being here has given God much opportunity to speak to me. Being re-baptized for me was a symbol of commitment, a new page, and was a moment between me and God that I could never explain to anyone. I am simply falling more in love with Him here and I am so excited about it!
Walking through Nazareth
We have three days left of touring, and so far we have seen sites like Nazareth, Armageddon, Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, Capernaum, Jericho, and Mount Carmel. We have seen the exact places where Jesus fed the five thousand, casted demons into pigs that fell off the cliff, preached the Sermon on the Mount, and made breakfast for Peter after he went fishing and told Jesus that he loved Him! Everything has been so incredible!
Jesus, other than my baptism, has been tugging at my heart the last few days. Digging into the Word and praying on the tour bus, I am getting to know Him on a more personal level. Being in His stomping grounds helps a little bit too! My prayer the last month or so was to fall more in love with Him. Through frustration of not going anywhere, that prayer is finally coming to the light. I am falling in love all over again with my Creator, my Father, my Savior, my God.
Prayer Requests: Encounters with the Holy Spirit as we visit the holy places of Jerusalem.