April: Walking with Jesus
Jordan River
*Videos at bottom!
Walking with Jesus
I woke up to the sound of birds and the smell of a dozen foreign flowers outside of our window here in Israel. My thoughts? “Wow, I am literally in Israel right now.” Even after a full day here exploring this country, I could not help but think of how incredibly blessed I am at 19 years old to have traveled the world and now touring Israel. Israel! Where Jesus was born, walked, talked, lived, died, and rose again! Not many people get to read Bible stories about Jesus walking on water or healing the blind and say, “Yeah, I’ve been there, it’s whatever.” I am so so so thankful.
First, we took a wander down to the Jordan River where there were many, many catfish (huge, I might add) and people getting baptized. We also tasted some date honey, which was what Jesus ate back when he roamed the place. It was delicious!
Following the Jordan River, we went to Megiddo which is also known as Armageddon. This is the place the book of Revelation talks about where all the armies will gather for the last battle.
Megiddo - Armageddon
Next, we went to what is believed to be where Mary (Jesus’ mother) lived in Nazareth. People built a huge Catholic church around Mary’s home, so we entered and viewed it. Outside of the church, remains from other homes (Jesus’ neighbors) were found deep in the ground. We took a break for lunch and then headed to the Sea of Galilee!
Eating Middle Eastern falafels and shawarmas for lunch
Sea of Galilee
Ending our day in Israel, we went on a beautiful boat ride on the Sea of Galilee where we learned how to cast a net just like the disciples did. The boat drivers played some worship music and “How Great is Our God” played. As I was looking around at the water (the water Jesus WALKED on, cough!) and the surrounding land of Israel, I could not help but think… wow, seriously, how great IS our God? He is so Great that He sent His son, Jesus to walk on this earth and suffer for our sins. Today, Jesus kept telling me “I walked here for you.” He has become so much more real to me and I feel so loved by Him, my Jesus.
*Video below!
To read the rest of April's blogs, check out: www.journeyofapril.com
Prayer Request: Safety and a fun time as we travel to Jerusalem area tomorrow and stay in Bedouin camps.
Boat ride of Sea of Galilee