Reservation Reflections: 2022
There are unreached people in your backyard.
Maybe you know them. Maybe you don’t. Scripture doesn’t limit the call of the Great Commission to just one person— in fact its a command for all believers, missionaries and businessmen alike. Matthew 28:19 says to make believers of “all nations”— why then have we forgotten the First Nation people of the United States?
I’ll be the first to admit (ashamedly) that when I was praying for the nations, I didn’t think to add Native Americans to my list. So when I did Pack Your Bags six years ago and had the opportunity to travel to Wanblee, South Dakota on the Pine Ridge Reservation my eyes were opened to my own faults as a follower of Christ. Here I had signed up to go to South Africa when there were lost people right around the street corner.
That’s why I’m so glad to work for a program that sees the need for Jesus everywhere.
“In my time at the reservation, my eyes were opened to how many people were starving for the love of Jesus.” -Angela M.
We were invited to Windswept Academy in Eagle Butte, SD, and had the opportunity to serve in many different ways. The first day the students dispersed into classrooms and served the kids and teachers. In the afternoon, Windswept students got to experience their first ever “See You At the Pole” — a national day of prayer done around the school flag pole.
See You at the Pole.
September 28, 2022.
The next day our students ran two elementary chapels which included a skit, dancing, a message, and games with the kids. Afterward, we did a high school chapel with worship, and a spoken word, and then 10 students gave inspiring testimonies. It was a great reminder that no matter what your current circumstance may look like, God is still moving.
From death to life.
“ I nervously asked the Holy Spirit to give me opportunities to share about God and He fully delivered, He gave me the words to say in every situation.”
Alex L.
After spending a few days with the students and faculty of Windswept Academy we were on the road to Wanblee, South Dakota to connect with US Missionaries Gus & Terri Craven on the Glory Ranch. Our students helped host a spaghetti feed, movie night, and their annual outreach, the “Harvest Festival”.
It was then that they were stretched even further and had to step out of their comfort and share the Gospel with more than 300 visitors. At the hotdog stand, they shared Jesus. At the gaga pit, they shared Jesus. On the zip line, they shared Jesus. On the tractor pull, they shared Jesus. In the pumpkin patch, they shared Jesus. Our students heard the Great Commission, took it to heart, and put it into action.
God is in it all.
“God taught me that the small things matter too.” -Jocelyn S.
It was a great first ministry trip and we are excited for all of the opportunities that we will have to serve in Chicago and Milwaukee come the first of November! Its our prayer that this update encourages you and motivates you to share the love of Jesus in your circle of influence.