Reunited and it feels so good!
In the spring of 2020, our Pack Your Bags team left Happy Horizons Children’s Ranch (HHCR) in Cebu, Philippines after an amazing week partnering alongside directors John & Kelli Williford. It has been our heart to get back to our friends in the Philippines to partner alongside them again, but international travel these last 2 1/2 years has been no easy feat!
We are happy to say that returning Trinity student and Pack Your Bags alumna, Jessie Danzl, was able to spend her summer in Cebu as an intern with HHCR. Jessie was a PYB student from 2020-2021 and served on our team that partnered with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Hawaii district. Jessie is majoring in psychology and along with all of her academic qualifications— what is more important is that she is kind, patient, loves Jesus, and has a huge heart for the nations! Read further to hear from her and all about her time in the Philippines!
Left to right.
Autumn, Jessie, Kelli, John.
“Coming out of Pack Your Bags in 2021, I knew I felt God directing me towards missions; but I also felt I was supposed to approach that call in a creative way. The Lord has burdened my heart for those in bondage; women and children being sexually exploited, those without hope, freedom, or a reason to believe that God is the only one who can bring true restoration and deliverance to them in their brokenness.”
“This call and burden has led me to an internship with Happy Horizons Children’s Ranch in Cebu, Philippines. For the six weeks I had the opportunity to work with missionaries John and Kelli Williford as they serve and direct the long-term care facility to “rescue, restore, and revitalize children of the Philippines” who have been rescued from abuse, sex trafficking or online sexual exploitation. I had the chance to learn, observe, and participate in the daily life of the girls and the staff over the past month, and I can say firsthand that these kids flourish under the positive family environment displayed and replicated for their benefit in The Ranch. The Christ-centered environment provides them with opportunities to feel safe, receive support from social workers to pursue justice in court, are led to develop practical skills for their futures, and above all are encouraged to hear and pursue new and deeper relationships with Jesus. He is the source of their joy, value, and strength.”
“I have greater realized the importance of having passionate believers at the frontlines of fighting these great issues facing our world today. Jesus’ example shows us how caring for both the spiritual and physical needs of a person can strengthen each other. In restorative ministries like HHCR, holistic ministry is a bridge to evangelism and shows the truth of the gospel in action. What better way to show victims and survivors of exploitation the love of Jesus than to deliver them out of the hands of their captives and into the loving arms of the Father.”
“The kids at HHCR have a chance to experience that love, and to ultimately turn generations of brokenness, abuse, and unbelief to a new cycle of right relationship with family, themselves, and with Jesus. God is working in the Philippines, He is working in the lives of 50 kids living at HHCR, and He is working in me and countless others to be His hands and feet in the lives of those living in exploitation, injustice, and unbelief.”
“As I have sought, questioned, and pursued a greater understanding of my own role in this ministry, I can say with certainty that God has only strengthened my desire to serve cross- culturally, missionally, and socially. I can also say with certainty that my own understanding of how this call will unfold over the next 5-10 years is entirely unknown to me at the present; and surprisingly...that’s okay. I can still see the God who is standing right in front of me, and asking me to take one step at a time towards him. In the words of Kelli Williford, “Sometimes following God is like a bridge over the water. As you walk, each next plank only appears after you’ve taken the next step, and right before your foot hits the water.” He wants us to trust in him entirely for each step we take, and faith is taking a step even without seeing where your foot will land, knowing that God will meet you with the next plank before you fall every time. He is faithful to provide for every need, to sustain us in our struggles, and to lead us in the path we should take.”
Amen, Jessie! We serve a faithful God. We are so excited when we get to send students to continue relationships with people we love to serve alongside . And……. we are so excited to announce that Pack Your Bags will be continuing our relationship with the Willifords as we will be returning to the Philippines this coming January! We are quite literally sitting on the edge of our seats in anticipation for all that the Lord is going to do this year! May we always trust that the next plank is waiting for us as we step out on the water in faith.